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Svi video snimci su preuzeti sa svijetskih video servisa kao što su Gorilavid, Daclips, Filenuke, Novamov, Youtube, VK i slicnih koji odgovaraju za autorska prava istih! Sva pitanja vezana za sadržaj tih servera morate postaviti direktno njima, jer mi ni sa jednima od njih nemamo stalan kontakt i otvorenu saradnju. Mi i naši posjetioci samo pronalazimo linkove, koje indeksiramo u našu bazu podataka i strimujemo u našem flash playeru. Ni jedan video fajl se ne nalazi na našem serveru!
Ashburn, an FBI agent is extremely ambitious and has her eye on a promotion but she doesn't get along with her co-workers. She is sent to Boston to find out who an elusive drug dealer is by getting to the man who is fronting for him and is told that she'll have a good shot at the promotion if she finds the dealer. When she arrives in Boston she learns that the dealer has been eliminating his competition and taking over their operations. She learns that a dealer is Boston PD custody and goes to see him to ask him what he knows about the dealer but is warned that the cop who arrested the dealer, Mullins is very territorial. And she is not exactly sociable. When the two meet they don't get along. When Mullins learns what Ashburn is in Boston for decides to find the dealer herself. Ahsburn is told by her boss to work with Mullins but won't be easy because Ashburn does things by the book while Mullins does things her way.